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Membership Forms

Membership Policies

All policy documents should be read and understood before purchasing a membership at Queen's Sport

Membership Terms and Conditions

Membership Privacy Policy

Membership Health Commitment Statement

Membership Forms

Upgrade, downgrade, cancel or freeze your membership below

You can download the relevant form below and send to for processing.

Please complete the form entirely to ensure your account can be amended as needed.

As we require 1 months' notice please be aware the deadline for all requests is 6th of each month. Any forms received after this date will be processed at the end of the following month.
For example if cancellation form is received on 6th January it will be processed for January 31st, if the same form is received on 7th January it will be processed for end of February

Membership Upgrade/Downgrade Request Form

Membership Freeze Request Form

Membership Cancellation Request Form

By completing and returning the forms above you agree to any Terms and Conditions that apply.