5K Race Returns...Course Record Set

After a three year gap the Deep RiverRock Queen’s 5k ‘Race Round the River’ made a memorable return last night. On a cold and blustery evening record numbers took part in both the 5 and 3k races.
The highlight of the race was a new course record of 14mins and 13secs set by Mid Ulster runner Nick Griggs. Watch as Nick promises 'more to come'
Ian Guiden of Clonliffe Harriers came in second with a time of 14mins and 18 secs, St Malachy's AC runner Ben Brannagh came third with a time of 14mins and 24secs.
The first female to finish was Emma Mitchell of Clonliffe Harriers with a time of 16mins and 9 secs. Letterkenny AC runner Nikita Burke was the second female to finish with a time of 16mins and 38secs with Annadale Strider Robyn McKee third with a time of 17mins and 3secs
St Malachy's AC won the men's team award with the female team award going to Annadale Striders.