TBUC Junior Leader Jobs - Now Hiring for Summer Scheme 2021
Queen's Sport are pleased to announce we are now hiring for Summer Scheme jobs regarding the TBUC Junior Leader programme. Applications are now open - please see below links for all details on these exciting opportunities.
Queen’s Sport require a Camp Leader to co-ordinate the T: BUC Junior Leadership Programme as part of this year’s Summer Scheme. This post is available from 21st June to 20th August 2021, working up to a maximum of 37 hours per week.
For further information click here: TBUC Camp Leader
Queen’s Sport require 2 x Camp Assistants to support the T: BUC Junior Leadership Programme as part of this year’s Summer Scheme. This post is available from 21st June to 20th August 2020, working up to a maximum of 37 hours per week.
For further information click here: TBUC Camp Assistant
Closing date for both posts is Friday 11th June at 2pm.
For further information on the TBUC Programme for 2021 click here or email t.reid@qub.ac.uk