COVID-19 (coronavirus)...Membership Payments Update

The University has taken the decision to close all sporting facilities at the PEC, Upper Malone, BT1, Mourne Cottage and the Boathouse as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 (coronavirus).
In light of this we want to reassure all our customers that we are suspending all member and staff direct debit collections for the PEC with immediate effect, until such times as we can re-open. In addition we will be freezing the membership account of all members who have paid in full, with the time lost due to our closure, being added onto the end of their contract. In addition, we are looking at other ways in which to provide you with online or remote access to alternative fitness activities.
We hope this reassures our customers and staff that your health and wellbeing is being prioritised.
Thank you for your continued support of Queen’s Sport, we will keep you updated with the situation as it develops over the coming weeks via our social media, web pages and email.