Female Strength Training...

Female Strength Training with Paul Reynolds is a progressive course developed for women who wish to get stronger and learn proper technique in the primary barbell, kettlebell and bodyweight movements. Gain confidence training with weights and learn in a non-intimidating group environment.
As per the terms of the Queen’s Sport health declaration, all bookers must advise of any medical or health issues in advance of the course. If you have any of the following medical or health issues (heart condition, recent chest pains brought on by exercise, spells of dizziness, are on medication for high blood pressure, have bone or joint issues, shortness of breath, are currently or recently pregnant, or have undergone any recent surgery) you must download and complete this PARQ in full and return to courseenquiries@qub.ac.uk
By continuing to your booking you agree to the above terms and the QS Health Declaration found here.
When booking please select 27 April on the booking calendar