Kingsbridge Physiotherapy FREE Health Day
Kingsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic Free Health and Physiotherapy event at the PEC

Queen's Sport would like to invite all students, staff and members to our FREE Physiotherapy and Health Assessment day.
On Wednesday 1 December ( 14:00 - 18:00) Kingsbridge Physiotherapy staff based at the PEC will be delivering FREE physiotherapy, fitness and health assessments.
Physiotherapy Triage:
Triage will be carried out in the Kingsbridge physiotherapy clinic by experienced Kingsbridge staff members Shea McAleer Cathal O’Kane and Aoife McKeever. You will have the opportunity to discuss your injury history – this must be a musculoskeletal or sports-related injury. Physical assessments will be carried out and diagnosis discussed. You will be given advice on your issue with a proposed management plan. You will also have the option of booking a physiotherapy consultation at a reduced rate or you can self manage your issue based on the advice of the physiotherapist.
Nordbord Hamstring Assessment, Focedecks Squat and Jump Assessment:
Avail of a free strength test of hamstring strength using bespoke strength testing equipment in the form of a Nordbord. You can also be tested on our forcedecks – tests will comprise of a squat and jump test. You will complete a short warm up and pre-activation before being assessed. You must indicate before doing this if you have a history of lower limb injury.
Booking Your Place
Booking your FREE Pysiotherapy or Strength assessments couldn't be easier. Simply call us on 02890 681126 or email and book into one of our 48 assessment sessions.
Sessions can be booked from 2pm with the last sessions bookable from 5:40pm, each session will last 20 mins. You can book into both assessments.
Please remember 'If You Can't Make It Cancel It'
Health Assessment:
These will take place at Queens PEC foyer beside Clements and will be conducted by a Health Assessor from Kingsbridge private hospital. This can be on a walk-in service – no prebooking needed. Assessments provided include blood pressure, heart rate, height and weight with BMI calculation if requested.