Summer Scheme 2021
Open Enrolment Moved to 3rd June

Dependent upon restrictions in place at the time, Queen's Sport will run a limited but safe Summer Scheme for children (aged 6 - 14) offering a fun, high-quality activity experience. Queen's Staff and Students can enrol from Monday 10 May, with open enrolment now commencing Thursday 3 June.
The scheme will run for 7 weeks (Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00) starting on Monday 5th July until Friday 20th August, the scheme will close on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th July.
Please note that due to reduced spaces and current guidelines from the executive, only full weeks will be available. Sessions will run from 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday. There will be no extra child discount available this year.
Based on the current guidelines regarding children's sport and physical activity, there will be limited spaces available compared to previous years; however, the Scheme will be as exciting as ever and we look forward to welcoming children back to Queen's Sport this summer for a safe and high-quality activity experience where children can learn new skills that promote an active lifestyle and positive wellbeing by providing opportunities to try new sports in a fun and supportive environment.
Please visit Queen's Sport's dedicated summer scheme website for updates and information on this year's programme, including enrolment and information on other camps, such as Rowing and T:BUC Junior Leadership Programme.
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