2021 Summer Scheme…A Big Success
Check out this report from our Summer Scheme co-ordinator Tara Malcolmson on how the Queen's Sport Summer Scheme 2021 is going so far...

Queen's Sport have been delighted to be able to hold our annual Summer Scheme this year even in the face of uncertainty and the constantly evolving landscape of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. We had to reduce our numbers and change our booking system to enable a safe bubble system for our children, staff and customers. We had to think outside the box for activities - and where and how to safely hold them in line with the current and often changing guidance. Not only has it been a safe and successful time so far, we even got lucky and had 3 full weeks of sunshine to kick off the start of the Scheme!
Now that we're halfway through, we've been checking in with our Summer Scheme staff to see how their experience has been so far. Check out this report from our Summer Scheme co-ordinator Tara Malcolmson:
"It has been great having all the children back into the scheme for a summer of fun! The weather was on our side and we were able to spend lots of time outdoors doing different, exciting activities. Rookies and Seniors had great fun orienteering around Botanic Park and our Juniors and Cubs have had great fun playing nature bingo.
All leaders, old & new have really enjoyed the scheme so far with many getting involved in games with the children and learning new games and activities to use in the future – they have said the children are full of fun, exciting ideas and are definitely willing to share them with the leaders!
The children have been participating in many different games and activities, including football, GAA and even Trampolining. I think this year our favourite activities throughout the scheme and age groups include; dodgeball, benchball and swimming – everyone loves getting involved and shows good sportsmanship and some groups are very competitive!
One of the children in Cubs even said they wish they could have been here all day and all summer!
We have heard the children say how much they love being back in the PEC and are enjoying their summers with old and new friends. Leaders have discussed how they have loved seeing the children form new friendships and have a ball during our Scheme.
Everyone is very excited and looking forward to the next few weeks to continue the fun, laughter and enjoyment that we have seen so far!"
-Tara Malcolmson, Summer Scheme co-ordinator
For more information on our Summer Scheme you can check our our dedicated Summer Scheme website.
To see our full Summer Scheme photo gallery please click here.